Frequently Asked Questions
Can I start karate?
Of course! All we ask is that you turn up about 10 minutes before your first lesson and make yourself known to the instructor, and if you have any medical conditions that may affect your training.
What should I wear?
Normally we train in a "gi", but for your first lessons we would advise that you turn up wearing some comfortable loose fitting clothing, and be prepared to train in bare feet.
Am I too old to start?
Certainly not! We have students in the club of all ages, and karate offers many challenges which appeal to mature students. Sensei Funakoshi (the founder of our style of karate) was still training when he was 86.
Is my child too young to start?
Normally we take junior students starting at age 6, but for the safety of all our students each child needs a degree of coordination (karate will help to improve this over time).
Can I train with my Children?
Yes, our classes are designed for children and adults to train together.
Where can I train?
We currently have one class a week on Thursdays at Cambirdge Regional college. Please see the about page for a map showing the location.
I am visiting from ... Can I attend your classes whilst I am in Cambridge?
You are more than welcome to come along to train. If you have any special requirements please let the Sensei know before the lesson.
When do I get to chop things in half?
Karate isn't really about chopping things in half, although we do occasionally use break boards in class in order to improve our technique. It is best to ask your Sensei before you start trying to break things (if you get it wrong it can hurt).
Will karate make me fit?
Karate will certainly help you get fit. It will improve your flexibility and will provide you with mini goals for your next level of training. As you get better at karate you will train harder and your fitness will improve too.
Will karate help me defend myself?
Karate contains many elements of self defence, and will improve your self confidence. We do practice various drills aimed at defending yourself.
Is karate a contact sport?
It is in some clubs, but we practice in controlled situations and only light contact is used. We want you to enjoy your training and come again, and that's certainly not likely if you go home covered in bruises every time you train.
Will I get hurt?
You shouldn't get hurt, your Sensei will only put you in situations that you are comfortable with and in a controlled environment.
How often should I come?
Initially once a week is sufficient, until you've passed a few gradings at which time it would be best to train twice a week.
What are those coloured belts for?
In Karate there are many levels and these are divided into teacher (dan) and student (kyu) grades. The coloured belts are used for distinguishing between the kyu grades, whilst the dan grades all wear black belts. Your first grading will be for 10th kyu (or red belt) and from there the kyu grades count down, so the highest kyu grade is 1st kyu, after which you will be ready to go for your black belt (or 1st dan). The dan grades then increase so after 1st dan your next grade is 2nd dan, then 3rd dan and so on.